
Location: Tong Gu Ling, Hainan, China

Scope: Long range regional planning

Size: 35+ square kilometers

Program: 15 Hotels, 5 golf courses, parks and preservation areas, marina, town center with mixed use commercial, retail, cultural center and fishing village, aquaculture park, residential (villas, condos, apartments), agriculture research center, and two golf courses.

Description: Located on the northeastern coast of Hainan Province, the Tong Gu Ling Resort is expanding its existing recreational attraction to include a 35 square kilometer coastal playground. This playground will include hotels, marina, town center, cultural center, fishing village, corporate retreat facilities, 4 golf courses, sports arena and museums. Careful analysis was conducted to determine the most natural and beneficial routing strategies for the golf courses.  Each explores varying natural environments within the diverse landscape from lowland, to coastal and hillside settings, while enhancing views and values from surrounding land users.